Oh hey again. I know right, 2 posts in one day, kind of impressive…
But I merely just wanted to let you all know something, as I said, short and sweet, and by sweet I of course mean…
(drum roll please)
The return of the Blogger Sweet Swap!
This time the theme is Fall Faves! You’ll get paired up with another blogger (readers can play too!) and send them your favorite fall-themed treat, whatever it may be. (I’ve heard some rumblings of pumpkin around the blogosphere lately…) Either way, do whatever you have to do to make your house smell like a Yankee Candle, and join in the fun!
If you sat on the benches last time and drooled from afar, now is your chance to participate. No one is expecting Top Chef Desserts here, people, just have fun and connect with some of the other fabulous bloggers out there! Oh and get some delicious sugary treats, obviously…
All you have to do is email me (ssh.jessica@gmail.com) or Amy, my lovely partner in crime (secondcityrandomness@gmail.com) by October 4th, and we’ll get you signed up and paired off by October 6th. Be sure to include your mailing address and if you have any dislikes or allergies!
We’re asking that all baked goods be mailed no later than Monday, October 17th, (so please be sure this is not a conflict for you!)
1. Each participant should send approximately a dozen of whatever treat they choose to make. (12 cookies, brownie pan to serve 12, etc). Of course, you are allowed to send more, but please keep the minimal to 12.
2. Pairs will be finalized and notified by October 6th and the delicious treats should be shipped by October 17th. We just ask that you be respectful of others and try to get them out before, or as close to that date as possible.
3. Tell Amy & Jess how much you love them for organizing this fantastic operation. (this one is optional…)
*Disclaimer- the organizers of this bake swap are merely responsible for matching the participants, and are not responsible for the items shipped.
Click here for a recap of the first swap…